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Some of my colleagues have asked me what "geocaching" is. Put simply- it is a sport utilizing GPS to locate a position on the earth. It's a technological way of creating a treasure map where clues, obstacles, people, and hidden treasure can be found. It can be done by anyone, anywhere. 


Pulled from the official site-

"There are 176783 active caches in 214 countries. In the last 7 days, there have been 119401 new logs written by 22067 account holders."


What does that mean? It means that there are over 150,000+ hidden treasures to be found. Sometimes they are detailed and you know exactly what is at the end, while other times it's a friendly surprise you can pass along to the next person who finds it. It's a great "sport" because it can be done athletically or casually and it can be done by either traveling to a location or going online and finding a cache in your area.


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