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Why Blogging is better than a resume

Imagine this scenario-


Mega corporation XYZ needs a skilled and professional rocket scientist. They have searched left and right for a talented rocket scientist and now the company recruiter is digging through hundreds of resumes saying “I’m the best rocket scientist there is”


Well that’s great. We’ve all read the personals page - “Interesting guy seeks intellectual lady”. Online resumes have become word centric descriptions of candidates that are often searched by computerized systems looking for the right keyword, the right education, or the right set of numbers. If any one of those factors is off our information may never see the light of day.


In the past few years however blogging has allowed individuals to create a constant and ever growing database of who they are and how they think. Rather than see a candidate for what they think they can do, you can read about how a candidate thinks and conveys information on a consistent basis.


Anyone of us could go out and hire someone to write up a fancy well worded resume and we may even be able to sit through a few interviews and sound like skilled and professional individuals, but blogging takes us to the next step of being able to prove and relay our original insight and ability over a duration. It also allows us to connect with industry professionals over time and build experience with them as individuals, sharing personal ideas and inspiration that cannot be related through a one page resume.